P.O. Box 4478, Pasco, WA 99302

Mon - Fri 8am - 6:30pm | Sat 8am - 5pm

(509) 531-1130

Mon - Fri 8am - 6:30pm | Sat 8am - 5pm

Downloads – old

What to Bring to Class

The list of things you will need to bring with you and your dog are available here:

Bring to Class

Group Class Handbooks

Electronic versions of some of our advanced class handbooks are available here:

AKC Canine Good Citizen Handbook

APDT C.L.A.S.S. Student Handbook


Ian Dunbar Training Resources

Ian Dunbar has graciously agreed to allow Speak Dog to distribute the following educational eBooks and articles:


These materials are a wealth of information and can help with potty training, socialization, and more. They are approved for download for all who use this site, whether you are a Speak Dog client or not. Thank you Ian!

Open Paw/Kelly Gorman Resources

The following is a great article to help you successfully transition your new companion into your home.


Protocol for Relaxation

This was written by Dr. Karen L. Overall. Clinical Behavioral Medicine for Small Animals, 1997. While I don’t often assign this to behavior cases due to the highly involved nature, it is often very helpful.


Dr. R.K. Anderson Letter

Written by a well versed and well respected professional, here is the current take on socialization and vaccination.


Veterinary Visit Slideshow


Ridge Dogs Bringing Your Dog Home

This is a part of the adoption packet in the central file that you get from the prison but it is nice to have it before you get your dog. Here are some tips for bringing your Ridge Dog home.

The First Days

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Service Dog Legislation

The U.S. Department of Justice changed the Service Dog Laws associated with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) effective March 15, 2011. The updated law