Although everyone knows the importance of a dog knowing to come when called, many dogs are not reliable at doing it. There are a couple methods I use to get his behavior but first and foremost recalls have to always be a happy and positive thing for a dog, never call a dog and let it result in something the dog doesn’t like.
Method 1:
While your dog is on a leash, encourage it to come to you with a treat or toy. When it gets close enough to touch its collar say ‘good come’ and then reward and release. When your dog is doing this reliably take the treat or toy out of sight, say your dog’s name until it is looking at you and then say ‘come’. If your dog comes, reward and release. If your dog doesn’t come gently reel them in on the leash until they are close to you—coming is not optional.
Method 2:
While your dog is off leash, hold a treat in your closed fist and hold your fist in front of you. When your dog touches your fist, click and toss the treat to the ground, do this three times. Now hold out your empty fist. If your dog touches it click and toss the treat to the ground, do this three times. Now hold out the palm of your hand. If the dog touches it, click and toss the treat on the ground. Say ‘come’ or ‘here’ and show the dog your palm, click and treat.
Method 3:
While your dog is on leash have your dog ‘stay’ or have someone hold your dog in place. Squat down, open your arms and say your dog’s name until it is looking at you. Now say ‘come’ and reward your dog when it gets to you. If your dog doesn’t come to you either reel it in on the leash or have the other person bring the dog to you. If your dog is up to a challenge you can try going out of sight for ‘hide and seek’ recalls but be extra patient and positive.